Products to Avoid

The formatting of the site isn’t finished yet, but I feel like I should start keeping a list of things to avoid. I’ve been burnt on a few of them, and you don’t have to:

  • Cheap UV filters – avoid at all costs. They advertise them as being identical to the real one, but they never are. I’ve got burnt (lost over $100) by one of the chinese retailers on eBay. So resist the temptation and buy from one of the legitimate retailers.
  • David Busch’s Quick Snap Guide to Photoblogging with Word Press : An Instant Start-Up Manual for Creating and Promoting Your Own Photoblog – What does a guy who wants to start his own photoblog do standing in a middle of Barnes and Nobel. Correct, he buys a book on how to photoblog with WordPress. I admit I fell victim to advertisement. I was buying a book on C# and this one was right at my eye level on the way to register. A great intent, the book not so much. I went cover to cover (over 200 pages) in 30 minutes. And guess what, I’ve learned absolutely nothing new. (On the other note, can you believe they sell this book: Sams Teach Yourself Facebook in 10 Minutes).

I’ll update the list regularly. As well as “Products I Love” list, which will be going up tomorrow.